Happy New Year - Our Society Is Every Bit As Diseased As You Suspect It Is

2 months ago

Happy New Year - Our Society Is Every Bit As Diseased As You Suspect It Is

Dec. 30, 2024


Caitlin Johnstone

As soon as we are old enough to think and understand, our thoughts and understanding are shaped by the powerful using the most sophisticated system of mass-scale psychological manipulation that has ever been devised. We live our whole lives marinating in power-serving narratives about the world and our place in it. It’s all we’ve ever known, so we think it’s normal. It almost never occurs to anyone to question how their worldview got into their heads in the first place; to most of us it just looks like truth and common sense.

But because we live under a system that’s designed to benefit the rich and powerful at the expense of ordinary people, we’re all acutely aware that the way things are isn’t really working. As the abuses and injustices inherent in capitalism become more and more egregious, this sense that something is wrong gets more and more widespread and acute. This discontentment is currently being funneled by the powerful into faux populist movements designed to herd the public into supporting the status quo while allowing them to feel as though they are waging a brave revolution against the establishment.

The public is becoming more and more restless and agitated because they can sense that something’s wrong but can’t say what it is, like a dementia patient with a urinary tract infection. This agitation is erupting in ways which range from the crazy to the very lucid, from hate crimes and racist movements to mass protests against genocide and an expanding awareness that a better world is possible.

Reading by Tim Foley

Article with supporting links: https://caitlinjohnstone.com.au/2024/12/31/happy-new-year-our-society-is-every-bit-as-diseased-as-you-suspect-it-is

Original: https://youtu.be/LPieWJrlvE4

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I write about the end of illusions. 100% reader-funded writer. All works co-authored with my American husband Tim Foley.

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