Rabbi says Jews will enslave all goyim (non-Jews) of the earth.

2 months ago

Wait until you hear this garbage. Incredible. 😒

I put this video together for you, customized this background and description and took these screenshots. Sorry no subtitles this time. I couldn't get through listening to this more than once for the proofreading.

1st video: Rabbi says Jews will enslave all non-Jews of the earth.

2nd video: Rabbi says "slavery was a way of civilizing the brutality and paganism uncivilized world. It was a way of civilizing the savage beast. The person was better as a slave than he was not as a slave."

3rd video: all non-Jews on the earth will become slaves to Jewish people when their Messiah comes.

4th video: Rabbi says "non-Jews should kiss our feet. We're chosen, not you."

5th video: the non-Jews are animals, beasts. it is written the goyim (non-Jews) are not called human and they will serve the Jews. "All the non-Jews that you see, all around the world the billions, they exist just for the Jews benefits." When their Messiah comes each Jew will be given 2800 goyim (non-Jew) slaves.

6th video: Rabbi says American and NATO nations are being bled dry to create the Jewish Theocratic kingdom. Then each Jew will be given 2800 goyim (non-Jewish) slaves.

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