Madeleine McCann and New Age Health Gurus

2 months ago

Today's topics:-

Andrew Kaufman isn’t interested in talking mandatory vaccination with Johnny Cirucci.
False Memory Syndrome and Luigi Mangione’s University of Pennsylvania.
Catholics in Action and Mild Bill Donovan.
“Cui bono” Luigi Mangione?
1 in 30, gun confiscation, Wayne LaPierre and the NRA.
Save your body, lose your soul.
Indonesian pedophile pandemic enabled by far-Left sexual deviancy.
Jimmy Savile, Madeleine McCann and...who else?
What explains the MASSIVE government-media spotlight on the McCann kidnapping?
What are Andrew Gold and Sonia Poulton missing about the McCann case and why?
What is a “McCann troll”? QUESTION THE QUESTIONERS!!!
What do Brenda Leyland and Bruce Ivins have in common?
Using a false flag to exit a false flag.
Why does Whitney Web deny the existence of female pedophiles?
Jeffrey Epstein and Marc Dutroux.
Alfred Kinsey, Judith Reisman and sexology.
Tudor Alexander and vitamins.
What do Nate Marino, Jason Cooley and Steven Anderson have in common?
Is Whitney Webb a minor-attracted person? Anti-Semitism as at an all-time high.
Frankie Schaeffer, “Christian Atheist”; Francis August Schaeffer—net worth $16 MILLION.

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