Episode 53 - Telepathy

2 months ago

In today's episode both brothers are sick but still bring an assortment of topics to the table. We give a bit of an update on the New Jersey drone situation. Could they be a test program run by a government contractor? Out weekly Bashar clip covers the idea of the visitors being from an alternate reality. We see a video that shows dinosaur soft tissue. Could they be a lot more recent? We cover a clip where Gregg Braden talks about an experiment in which brain cells were grown on a computer chip and then learned to play the game pong. We talk about the downfall of Billy Carson and the challenge of who to take seriously in these alternative spaces. We also cover a video by Dean Radin at the Institute for Noetic Sciences in which he covers evidence for telepathy. Of course, this leads us into a long discussion on the topic. We hope you enjoy!

0:00:00 - Intro

0:04:01 - NJ Drones Update

Dailymail: Drone Testing - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-14199773/mystery-drone-sightings-new-jersey-government-contract-revealed.html

X: Drone Theory - https://x.com/koryyeshua/status/1868118969149976579?t=wtGYdf8uPjd9iOLBjCw5FA

Dailymail: Water Supply - https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-14211201/drones-mystery-tap-water-new-jersey-sightings.html

0:13:24 - Comment Response: Consciousness

0:17:38 - Weekly Bashar

Instagram: Parallel Universe Humans - https://www.instagram.com/reel/DDpx7YByOEC/?igsh=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==

0:26:17 - Dinosaur Cells



YouTube: Source Video - Dinosaur Soft Tissue Found in Lab | Eric Hovind, Jim Hoff, & Clay Turner | Creation Today Show #398

Smithsonian Article on the Discovery of Soft Tissue: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/dinosaur-shocker-115306469/

Article on Preservation of Soft Tissue: https://online.ucpress.edu/abt/article-abstract/83/5/298/117017/Preservation-of-Soft-Tissues-in-Dinosaur?redirectedFrom=fulltext

0:38:28 - Music Break: Stevie Nader - Virtuous

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/31vCYmkpb7DoKLQfbYHCjV?si=siMYjL6aTSaK0p2_YU7zXQ

0:41:53 - Gregg Braden: Brain Cells Learning Pong

YouTube: Biblical Geologist: God, Technology, Aliens & Human Origins | Gregg Braden

NPR: https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2022/10/14/1128875298/brain-cells-neurons-learn-video-game-pong

0:55:42 - Billy Carson's Debate Loss

YouTube: Full Billy Carson Debate - Full unedited unaltered Wes Huff vs. Billy Carson debate

YouTube: Billy's Meltdown - Billy Carson's Fans TURN ON HIM After Epic MELTDOWN!

1:06:26 - Music Break: TJ McNulty - Colors

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/26STP6s3iXYVterYSNc831?si=Tsb3rlkURE-rl8ygHwZLbw

1:09:51 - Discernment

1:13:29 - Dean Radin - Evidence for Telepathy

1:28:45 - Telepathy & Magic

1:37:04 - Outro

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