stop asking God to take it away, figure out what it's for (my unsolicited advice to mental ills)

2 months ago

my favorite chords right here
mass consumers are gloom n doomers
there's a lot that i can do creatively
plenty of things that i have to deal w/ psychologically n they are nowhere near as bad as they used to be
these creative efforts are worth everything
creativity is a survival tactic
lucky you, man...
so grateful for everything terrible becuz it's brought me closer to God
Lord plz show me what to do w/ this since it's not going anywhere
being poisoned is an american past time
complain about what you signed up for, don't get it
you always have options (if you don't know that it's cos you didn't look)
you always choose whatever does you in
i can't stand these "moms" vicariously making decisions for/thru their kids
anything done vicariously is typically not the right thing
parenting is at an all-time low cos of technology (with or without kids)
i don't have kids cos i have schizophrenia
these "parents" nurse their phones n give their "children" technology so they don't have to pretend to notice em there
that one oddball succumbs to the futility of being the oddball, i see this a lot
the suicidal bunch is soooooo cool
nietzsche was right about society killing God
these petty conveniences only temporarily comfort us n for what
but you could make different decisions, man
it's lack of emotional intelligence, that's the problem. every. time
psychiatry, tv n social media all do the same thing for our screwey ass brains
the nature of "progress" is to never stop
the avg american just goes along but you can choose to opt out
like i said, on offense
why would people be mad getting called names by somebody that ain't emotionally intelligent
mass consumption ruined america not communism, that's just what they blame it on
not all americans have a copy of the communist manifesto but they all have a tv
and on the tv are pharmaceuticals

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