Healing Series | Jonathan Otto

2 months ago

We live in a world that’s been deceived into believing that disease is “normal”.

That it’s all just a part of life….

And shouldn´t be questioned.

But this couldn´t be further from the TRUTH!

Almost 1 in 3 people suffer from multiple chronic diseases….

Living life as a daily battle.

And when the so-called COVID “pandemic” hit….

MILLIONS of lives were affected in ways we never thought possible!

Now, the people all over the world are fighting for their lives…

After the bioweapon attack we faced….

Through the snake venom COVID “vaccines”….

Life-threatening vaxx injuries are becoming more common!

As if that wasn´t enough….

The horrible effects of Long COVID are crippling the lives of millions.

This isn’t normal.

And finally….

More and more people are realizing….

That we’re being lied to in the most EVIL way possible!

The TRUTH about the Upcoming Agenda

While the world has been distracted by the Russian-Ukraine war…

And now with the attack on Hamas….

The Elites have been pushing their next agenda right in front of our eyes!

Many of our experts have been warning of this upcoming for YEARS now.

Truth is, your health is under full assault.

Your freedom is being stripped.

And your sense of judgment is being blurred.

COVID was just the start of their plan.

The Elites will stop at nothing to succeed in their plans.

And this is being done at large through the Depopulation Agenda.

TEXT and VIDEO SOURCE: https://healingseries.com/thanks/

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