They Live. The End of Time. They Know. 2000 - 2031.

2 months ago

They Live 1988.

They are counting time. 21st Century. Movie Man Trailers. U tube. End of Days.
Came out 666 Days prior to 9/11/2001.
16.11.1999 Hollywood California Premiere.
+ 666 Days = 9.11.2001.
In the Movie NYC goes up in flames. All prior to 9/11/2001 of course.

United Nations "Agenda 21" launched 1992.
In preparation for the (21 Events of Revelation)

Barack Obama's Birth numbers is the code in the King James Bible.
8.4.1961. 216th Day. 6x6x6 = 216.
Found in Books, Chapters, and Verses.

New Century. 21st Century.
1st January 2000. New Years Day.

+ 216 Months = 31st December 2017. Milestone complete.
+ 84 Months = 31st December 2024. Milestone complete.

New Years Day 1.1.2025 Kicks off a final 6 Year 6th Months 6 Days (666)

to 7th July 2031.
The End of Great Tribulation of 42 Gregorian calendar months.

Covenant Made with many. Daniel 9:27.
Olympics opening ceremony. Friday 26th July 2024.

+ 1260 Days = 7th January 2028. Events in Matthew chapter 24.
Wars famines pestilence, Kingdom against Kingdom. (World War 3?)

+ 42 Gregorian Calander months Great Tribulation. = 7th July 2031.
7 Seals 7 Trumpets 7 Vials = 21 Events in 42 Months.
1 event scheduled every 8 Weeks 4 Days within a 61 day time period for world time zones for 42 months. It's all the number of his name. 42 Months = 180 Weeks. = 60 weeks + 60 weeks + 60 weeks.

1st January 2025. NEW YEARS DAY.

They Live Movie Scene:

Our projections show that by the year 2025. Not only America but the entire planet will be under the dominion and the protection of this power alliance. The gains have been substantial both for ourselves and for you the human power elite. You have given us entree to the resources we need in our ongoing quest for multi dimensional expansion. And in return, the per capita income of each of you here tonight has grown. And this year alone by an average of 39 per cent. "Isn't it lovely says a demon."

Just like Klaus Swab of the World economic forum declared to member countries of the WEF that they would share in Stakeholder capitalism.
The United Nations Plaza Secretariat building in NYC is 39 stories high. The Headquarters of the UN Global Government.

Why? A reflection of the Bibles divisions in books.

The King James Bible is:

Genesis to Malachi 39 books. Old Testament.

2 Books + 1 Book + 6 Books + 8 Books + 4 Books
+ 6 Books + 6 Books + 6 Books = Malachi.

Mathew Book 40 to Jude Book 65 then Revelation Book 66. New Testament.

+ 19 Books + 6 Books + 1 Book = Jude Book 65. (Movie 65) Sponsored by the Victorian and Federal Government of Australia in the closing credits. It's recently been on free to air tv twice.

1st January 2025 + 6 Years + 6 Months + 6 Days (666) = 7th July 2031.

Obama Born: 4th August 1961.

+ 2 Years + 1 Year + 6 Years + 8 Years + 4 Years + 6 Years + 6 Years + 6 Years
+ 19 Years + 6 Years + 1 Year = 66 Years old = 4.8.2027.

Obama's 66th Year = 4.8.2027. His 66th Year 6th Month Milestone:
4th February 2028. Great Tribulation Begins January 7th 2028 + 42 Months Gregorian = 7th July 2031.

Revelation 13:18.

13 + 18 = 31.

2000 + 13 Years + 18 Years = 2031.

2000 + 216 Months + 84 Months
+ 6 Years 6 Months 6 Days (666)
= 7.7.2031. 7th July 2031.

Olympics Friday 26th July + 1260 Days
= 7th January + 42 Months = 7.7.2031.

Genesis to Revelation.
King James Bible: 31,102 Verses. Total.

Genesis 1:1.

+ 13,000 Verses + 18,000 Verses
= (Revelation 13:18)

+ 84 Verses = (Obama born 8.4)

+ 6 Verses + 6 Verses + 6 Verses (666)

= Revelation 22:21. The End. 31,102 Verses.

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