the camera was always a threat to mankind (very few will ever realize this)

2 months ago

that scratchy sound will persist if the battery is running out
you can say anything about anything
you're not responsible for how irresponsible everyone else is
to be enraged is not to be engaged
i know it's next to impossible to be ______
people should try a little harder to be kinder in a non-gay ass liberal way
what should enrage them they don't even think about
why hasn't anyone set fire to a child's beauty pageant
i guess jon benet died in vain
social media is one giant beauty pageant for ugly ass people
i do a lotta what i do outta spite
i research cos i'm angry about how the world has turned out
i gaslight myself into believing that if i have the right information i can change my situation
eventually i'll twist this just right
it's all too easy to make a snide remark w/out any remorse
anytime i have said sumin mean i feel like shit about it immediately
people don't feel the slightest bit bad for saying shit that isn't necessary
the victim mentality will override all logic
no self-awareness, obviously
this culture is obsessed w/ shitting itself
i actually enjoy n appreciate this
it's a risk i'm willing to take otherwise i wouldn't
comedy really was the right field after all

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