Life is Not Only Butterflies & Sunshine

2 months ago

We all want to believe that life can be butterflies and sunshine all the time.

But we’re humans.

A perfect world cannot exist while we live within the 3D realm.

We can certainly have 4D and 5D moments.

Attempting to only exist within 4D and 5D, however, is a denial of our humanity.

What on Earth are we even talking about? Join us for this "shockingly delightful" conversation and find out!

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#shockinglydelightful #podcast #christabarone #michellebarone #wickedwisdomconsulting #wickedwisdom #mokshagracecoaching #mokshagrace #lifecoaching #freedom #perspectives #spirituality #mindfulness #q #maga #trump #conservative #discernment #3D #4D #5D #beinghuman #reality #realitycheck

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