They exploded inflammatory diseases and called it COVID!

2 months ago

(found on Dr. Judy's transcripts: )

Because that's exactly what they're doing to create the myocarditis. Remember when I showed in the Vaccine Education Summit that young woman that looked like she had lupus, well, Suramin is an antidote, if you will, to the mechanism of action, which is: inhibit reverse transcriptase because we know this COVID-19 isn't a vaccine, it's a manufactured virus. And they put Syncytin. They put the XMRV envelope spike protein, that alone causes all the diseases that could qualify as COVID, Long Haul COVID, they knew exactly what they were doing, and they published, in January of 2020 a review of all the wonderful cancers and viruses, and everything that suramin inhibits. And it was all of our work and all we tried to say for almost 30 years since I first worked with it in 1986 with HIV AIDS. Now you hear, Oh, AIDS is coming back. Oh, black man. And you know, we're going right back to the game is the same. We could have cured AIDS in 1986 with things like Suramin and Ivermectin and cancer. They're making money. Turn on the TV now, then you see 15 new COPD drugs, and they're blaming us for our bad behavior, and they exploded inflammatory diseases and called it COVID.

Judy Mikovits, PhD - 08/03/2022

Ernest Hancock interviews Dr Judy Mikovits:

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