Daystar Pete’s Forensic Examiner Speaks Out

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EXCLUSIVE: Former Daystar Executive & Wife Accuse Joni Lamb of Covering Up Daughter’s Sexual Abuse

Daystar Pete’s Forensic Examiner Speaks Out, Daystar Pete’s Forensic Examiner Speaks Out
Pete tried repeatedly to get Denise Boggs to clear him from SA allegations against a child. However, he refused to meet with forensic examiner Debbie Leonhardt for further investigation to clear up the accusations against him. Pete said Debbie Leonhardt’s questions were gruelling and refused to come back on his own. Rachel Lamb Brown reported that Pete and his wife were exonerated and spoke with Marcus Lamb the day of his interview. Debbie Leonhardt sheds light on what really happened.

Thank you to everyone who stopped in to watch my video. Many people are now sharing my videos and thank you for likin them. Please join me in prayer for the Lamb family. God bless you and your family. Bro J

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Official statement from Joni Lamb

Official statement from Join Lamb

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