Behold A pale horse Full Audiobook - Read by Bill Cooper

18 days ago

Behold A pale horse Full Audiobook - Read by Bill Cooper

source Albert -


He's right about a lot of things but the first American freemasons like Washington. Jefferson and Franklin along with Paine all hated the Jesuit order and most of them didn't like jews either. It's more likely that freemasonry was created by the Jesuits as a "back door" to the west. As a secret society they could then take their time gaining entry.
Washington wrote letters about jews as subverters and jacobin French "sun worshippers" attempting to gain access to American freemasonry. So I don't buy that the American founders were planning on giving their own nation away. It's more likely they were honestly attempting to set up a "republic" not a democracy. Which made the NWO job of infiltration harder than if America was set up originally as a democracy. If America was planned to be a democracy, this NWO group would've had a much easier time taking power. They had a hell of a time setting up a central bank and failed the first two times they tried. Or until 1913. If it was all an insider's plan then Lincoln was a mistake along with JFK and the Bill of Rights wouldn't have ever been allowed under a Talmudic or Jesuit created government.
So some of America's founding had to be actually honest.

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