Rahan. Episode 136 By Roger Lecureux. To Save Tomao. A Puke (TM) Comic.

2 months ago

Translated by the Son of the Puke Ages.

Source of Rahan Comics:
Philippe Ropers.


The Son of the Ferocious Ages!

Episode One Hundred and Thirty-Six.

By Roger Lecureux, drawn by Andre Cheret.

To Save Tomao.

The son of Crao first overserved the cloud of seagulls, then saw the strange skiff they attacked.

He now discerned a long bamboo cage and his curiosity grew as he approached this curious wreck.

The seagulls scattered and he realized that this wreck, which was drifting with the currents, was a floating cage.
It is the custom of certain clans to entrust their dead to the "Endless River."

This one should be a leader to deserve so much respect!

Page Two.

The dead man wore precious necklaces and lay on a thick fur.
A deep wound bloodied his torso, under his heart. His hands were crossed over a harpoon with a chiseled bone tip.

His people left him his weapon, as befits the Braves!
Without this cage the "Snow-Birds" Would have already shredded his body! Oh!

Throwing off the skin he was wrapped under, a young chimpanzee squealed.
Greek! Greek!
What. What are you doing in there, "Four-hands"!?

No doubt they locked you up here so that you could accompany the brave to the "Territory-of-Shadows"! Rahan will free you!

Shortly afterwards, carried away by a strong current, the floating coffin disappeared over the horizon.

The night will be rough for both of us, "Four-Hands"!
The storm was threatening.

Page Three.

Until dawn the storm raged.
Huge waves swept away the raft to which Rahan had firmly attached himself by means of strips cut into his sail.

It was only at dawn that a shore finally appeared.
Our torments are over, "Four-hands"!
Greek! Greek!

The son of Crao had shown his joy too soon!
Thrown against a reef with incredible violence, the skiff had just broken apart.

Rahan only had time to cut the straps of skin and catch up. The chimpanzee that a blade had released.
Hold on to Rahan, "Four-Hands"! Don't let go of him!

Greek! Greek!
The young monkey screamed in terror, like Rahan, he had seen the sharks coming from all sides.

The shore was close but Rahan still had to fight the waves to reach it.
Hold on, "Four-Hands"! Hold on! The "Blue skins" Will not Get Us!
Page Four.

We have succeeded, "Four-hands"! Neither the "Endless River" Nor the "Blue skins" Have devoured us!
Rahan lay down on the shore to catch his breath.

But, exhausted by a night of exertion, he fell asleep immediately, so he did not see the ocean calm down, nor the sun burst forth on his horizon.

It was the chimpanzee who, tugging at his hair, tore him from his sleep.
Greek! Greek!
What, What's going on "Four-hands"?! Oh!

Men approached with harpoons raised. One of them pointed angrily at the young monkey.
Why is Gahari with you!? Who are you "Fire-hair"!?

I am Rahan, the son of Crao! Rahan has delivered this "Four-hands" who.
Hear them brothers! He confesses his sacrilege!
He confesses to having violated the tomb of Maha-the-chief!

Goading Rahan with their harpoons, the fishermen dragged him towards their village.
This desecrator deserves the same fate as Tamao!
At the next round moon, they will both be delivered to the "Blue-skins"!

Page Five.

But before they can reach the "Territory-of-Shadows", they must know the sufferings that their sacrilege deserves! May thirst and hunger torment Rahan, as they torment Tamao!
On the outskirts of the village a man was crucified on two large bamboos.
And shortly after.

Usually, mine are good and welcoming! But the death of Maha-the-chief has made their spirits sink!
Why are they torturing you, Tamao?

The clan accuses me of killing Maha! It is true that I did not like Maha.
But I did not kill him! When it happened, I was fishing in the bay.

I was alone and I was confronting "Thora-the-Octopus."
Who, for once, had abandoned his lair to come and prowl the surface, between the reefs!

"Thora" had just disappeared, with my harpoon planted in one of his arms, when I heard a howl from the shore.
And I saw "Maha-the-chief" lying on the shore, a harpoon stuck in his chest!
"Gahari", the little "Four-hands" gesticulated at his side.

Page Six.

I quickly looked at the shore, hoping to do something, but was too far away! Maha was dead!
That's when my people surprised me near him!

And they thought you had just killed Maha! And yet you no longer had your Harpoon.
No, but mine say I struck Maha with his own Harpoon!

Only "Gahari" could say who killed Maya! Alas the "four-hands" do not speak!
The chimpanzee had not strayed from Rahan for a single moment.

And this greatly troubled the fishermen.
"Gahari" may have found Maha's soul in this hunter's body! We should spare him!
Let the test of courage decide! That is Tahor's opinion!

A little later.
The clan is ready for mercy, "Fire-Hair!" But you will have to undergo the test of courage!
If you behave bravely, you will be free!
But if fear makes you commit a fault. Just one fault.

Death awaits you!
For Tahor, the outcome of the test seemed to be beyond doubt!

Page Seven.

On the beach, they drew a narrow circle in the sand.
Five of our most skillful fishermen will try to kill you! You will have only this shield to protect you.

And you must not set foot outside this circle under any circumstances!
Rahan understands, Tahor! And he is ready!

So let the test begin!
A test of courage, but also of reflexes and composure.
Because if the shield was thick, it could only protect a tiny part of the body!
Five fishermen had lined up thirty paces from the son of Crao.

The first one threw his harpoon with as much force as precision.

Rahan had barely deflected this Harpoon when he had to parry the second one.
Hum! Rahan probably will not avoid the others!

Page Eight.

Even with the freedom to leap out of the circle to dodge, the ordeal would have been perilous.

But avoiding these harpoons by staying in place was a miracle.
Yet, five times in a row, the son of Crao achieved this miracle!

Greek! Greek!
His cry of victory answered that of the clan that saluted his exploit.

You are the bravest and most spirited hunter we have ever known, "Hair-of-Fire"! Take up your knife. You are free!
Rahan does not seem satisfied with his victory! Why?

Because you are about to feed Tamao to the "Blue-skins."
When he did not kill Maha-the-Chief!

That is what Tamao claims! But we do not believe that rogue! We all know he hated Maha-the-Chief!
This is not proof Tahor!

Page Nine.

Tamao was fighting "Thora-the-octopus" when Maha was killed!
He says his Harpoon got stuck in one of "Thora's" arms.
If we found that Harpoon, would the clan believe Tamao?

But what you propose is impossible! No one can dive to the lair of "Thora" without being devoured by the "Blue-skins"!

In fact, the son of Crao already had an idea.

The innumerable sharks that prowled the bay indeed made this project foolish.
Rahan will try!
So Rahan is crazy!

To prevent the birds from tearing your leader's body apart, you have protected him with a cage!
A similar cage will protect Rahan from the "Blue-skins"!

Why waste our time since we know Tamao is guilty!
Tahor, Tamao's fiercest accuser, was indignant.
But the clan, impressed by Rahan's audacity, approved the idea.
Yes! Let us build this cage!
Page Ten.

A moment later, everyone was busy, including “Gahari," who imitated all the gestures of the men!
The cage quickly took shape.
Greek! Greek!
Thank you “Gahari”, thank you!

Tahor was sometimes mocking.
We respected Maha's wish that "Gahari" accompany him to the "Territory-of-shadows."
If you fail, we will have the same regard for you!

And a little later.
"Thora" rarely leaves her lair.
And every time we see her, it was near these reefs.
Rahan will probably have to go down several times.

Weighted with stones, the cage made the first dive.
The sharks attacked it immediately. But the bamboo grills protected Rahan.

He searched the murky depths in vain.
"Thora's" lair is elsewhere. And Rahan has no more breath!
He pushed the stones away sharply and gave the signal to be brought back up.

Page Eleven.

It was only after several dives that the son of Crao finally caught a glimpse of the monster, lurking at the entrance to his lair.
Tamao's Harpoon!

An instant later.
Tamao did not lie! His Harpoon is still stuck in Thora's arm! Rahan saw it!

What proves to us that you are telling the truth!?
Rahan never lies!
But since Tahor doubts his word.
Put more stones in the cage! A lot of stones!
Rahan will bring back the harpoon!

The cage was heavily weighted and lowered back down to the wriggling "Eight-Armed Beast".
If Rahan does not act quickly, "Thora" will smash the cage!

As soon as he could seize the harpoon, his knife cut into the flesh to expose the point.
He had just snatched the weapon, when.

Page Twelve.

A huge tentacle had just gripped the fragile cage of bamboos.
And they were already breaking apart in this monster's embrace!

The shock was such that some fishermen were thrown into the water.
"Thora" Attacks! You should not have doubted Rahan, Tahor!
We have sent him to his death!

Rahan's life hung by a thread. As the monster vomited a jet of ink.
He struggled to free himself from the tangle of bamboo.

When he got there, it was to face the "Blue-skins."
Who were rushing towards the prey that was now at their mercy!

So the son of Crao stood firm, as only he knew how.
His ivory knife pierced one white belly while the Harpoon pierced another.

Page thirteen.

The blood of the sharks mixed with the blood of the octopus.
Rahan no longer interests the "Blue-skins"!
Abandoning the man, the sharks fought over their disemboweled counterparts.

Resurfacing after these long minutes spent underwater, the son of Crao still had enough breath to proclaim his victory.

An instant later.
This Harpoon shows the innocence of Tamao!
Why would he have killed Maha-the-chief precisely the day he had lost his harpoon!?

They returned to the shore and the fishermen, confused, exchanged suspicious glances.
But if Tamao is innocent.
Who killed Maha?
Who? Who?

Nobody killed Maha! And we should have thought that sooner. Look at "Gahari"!

On the rocks overlooking the beach, the chimpanzee was engaged in a curious activity.
He grunted. Waving a long bamboo as one would brandish a spear. He suddenly fell. And.
But it was at the foot of these rocks that we found Maha's body!

Page Fourteen.

Yes Tahor! And "Gahari" shows us how it was. That your leader died.
Lying on the shore, the monkey held the bamboo as if it were stuck in his chest!

"Gahari" mimes for us what he saw! Greek!
The chimpanzee had climbed the rock again and let himself fall onto the shore.

And so it happened! From that rock, Maha watched Tamao, confronting "Thora".
Perhaps he was insulting him, since they hated each other.

That was when Maha fell onto the shore and impaled himself on his own harpoon!

"Gahari" had seen everything. But when you discovered Maha, Tamao was near him!
Relying only on appearances, you wrongly accused him!

The young monkey, tirelessly, continued to mime the tragic accident.
The clan was now convinced of Tamao's innocence.
And Tahor, who had been the most severe accuser, insisted on releasing him himself.
Our people hope you will forgive them, Tamao!

Page Fifteen.

And Rahan hopes your clan will remember that "Those-Who-Walk-Upright" Must never Condemn One of Their Own.
Without Proof!

What a pity that the "Four-Hands" do not know the words of "Those-Who-Walk-Upright"!
You would have revealed the truth to us sooner!
Greek! Greek!

Hum. You do not speak the language of men, but you are very talkative in your own!
Greek! Greek!
The chimpanzee did not stop his playful antics.

That, when Rahan informed the fishermen of his intention to leave this shore.
Tamao owes you his life, "Fire-Hair"! You should stay with us for a while. And.

I think that is also what "Gahari" thinks!
Greek, greek!
As the young chimpanzee clutched at his hair, the son of Crao thought that he had just inherited a friendly but boisterous son.

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