Apparently God Is Gender Fluid?? | Wesley Huff

2 months ago

Saying God is genderless with a straight face? (No pun)

-Is it mathematically possible for both debaters to lose a debate?

For all of the people saying that Billy Carson got destroyed, this clip from Wesley Huff demonstrates where sectarianism went into Biff's alternate 1980s timeline. Not only that...Wesley determines exactly how this apostasy occurred.

This video points out two main ideas:

1) The Creedalist Gospel went woke WAY before the culture did
-God identifies using male gender pronouns, but His gender doesn't match His sex
-"We" have never argued that God is male. Who is we??

2) It's true because someone decided it was true
-Historical Christianity
-Historical Biblical Christianity
-Biblical Historical Orthodox Christianity
-Biblical Christianity
Carry no authority except what they give themselves through repetition, consensus, and tradition. These are not arbiters of truth and its foolish to cite them as such.

These terms are pressure-loaded with assumptions about their own validity, but they demonstrate how error becomes codified over time.

_Be Curious, Not Judgemental_
-Ted Lasso

Whether you’re interested in history, religion, or lively debates, let me know what you think in the comments.

Source Video from Capturing Apostasy:

0:00 -

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TBD Podcast Playlist: TBD
#wesleyhuff #capturingchristianity #pronouns #god #religiousdebate

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