Strechey's 'Eminent Victorians': Manning & Newman,'The Oxford Movement'Beginnings Ep 1

3 days ago

Ep. 1 Lytton Strachey's famed book "Eminent Victorians" deals with Cardinal Manning, Florence Nightingale, Dr. Arnold and The End of General Gordon. 'Cardinal Manning' (19thc) caught my attention as Stachey writes about the Oxford Movement and which, of course, includes John Henry Newman and the conversion of Church of England's intellectuals to the Catholic Church.

Lytton Strachey was a member of the Bloomsbury Club, openly homosexual (beginning 20th c), with lovers such as George Mallory (mountaineer) and John Maynard Keynes (Economist).
Extremely and actively very anti-Catholic, his writings as to Newman's and Manning's coversion are worth reading.

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People mentioned
2 people

Henry Edward Manning
English Catholic archbishop and cardinal (1808–1892)

John Henry Newman
English cleric and cardinal

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