Blacks Will Take Their Captors Captive

1 month ago

In Deuteronomy 33, Moses blesses the tribes of Israel before his death similar to how their father, Jacob/Israel blessed them in Genesis 49 before his; for an unknown reason, the tribe of Simeon is not mentioned by name in his blessings. Nevertheless, Simeon and his children are very blessed. Let the Israelites/black slave descendants be full of blessings and all their enemies full of curses. Now, some Israelites who attempt to justify interracial/inter-nation coupling use Moses (who was married to an Ethiopian woman named Tzipporah) and Joseph (who was married to an Egyptian woman named Asenath) to support their baseless argument. Neither of these Israelite men were self-hating coons and both of them married these women before YAH gave the Law to Moses and Israel. Furthermore, neither of them was even in a position to marry women of their own kindred. Joseph, one of the patriarchs of the 12 tribes of Israel, was in slavery in Egypt so he was cut off from his own people and Moses was in Midian before he returned to Egypt to save the Israelites from slavery there. All blacks/Israelites need to stop cooning and/or trying to find excuses to coon.

Video's Scriptures:
Isaiah 14:2
Deuteronomy 33:6
Deuteronomy 33:7
Deuteronomy 33:8
Deuteronomy 33:10
Deuteronomy 33:11
Deuteronomy 33:12
Deuteronomy 33:13
Deuteronomy 33:16
Deuteronomy 33:17
Deuteronomy 33:18
Deuteronomy 33:19
Deuteronomy 33:20
Deuteronomy 33:21
Deuteronomy 33:22
Deuteronomy 33:23
Deuteronomy 33:24
Deuteronomy 33:25
Deuteronomy 33:26
Psalms 68:32
Psalms 68:33

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