Criticism & Redemption for the FLAG | Hn 86

2 months ago

Adam and Tyrone have a few things to say about national flags. Mostly about the US flag, but also about those of other nations. How do you feel about "your" flag? How about others?

00:00 – Intro. After pledging allegiance to something, Tyrone introduces the Haman Nature article (linked below) that this episode is based on, "Some criticism and some redemption for the US flag."
03:00 – Adam begins reading the article. Tyrone starts a discussion about how kids feel about the US flag at an early age.
05:12 -- Adam continues reading. Tyrone reminds us about the protests in Washington DC in late July 2024 where Palestinian and Israeli flags featured prominently. Also, why did the cops allow all the destruction of American symbols during the protests? Also, how should we feel about American patriotism?
11:18 -- Adam continues reading. Remember when they displayed a Ukrainian flag in the US Congress? Also: Anarcho-tyranny. Also, read (linked below) Provoked: How Washington Started the New Cold War with Russia and the Catastrophe in Ukraine, by Scott Horton.
15:55 -- Tyrone asks a question: Do "we" deserve all the blowback we suffer because of our government's foreign policy? Is "collective punishment" justified? Also, what about wartime actions? What is the nature of morality during wartime? What about extreme "lifeboat" situations? How do the plots of the books Starship Troopers and Ender's game relate?
28:14 -- How old were you when you learned what the word "allegiance" meant? Also, Tyrone posits that in an emergency, the moral thing to do is end the emergency.
30:18 -- Outro. Thank you for watching Haman Nature!

Haman Nature article mentioned:

Book mentioned - Provoked by Scott Horton:
Book mentioned - Starship Troopers by Robert Heinlein:
Book mentioned - Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card:

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