Women's Health Series: Episode 9 - Diet and Exercise in Peri and Post Menopause with Kathy Cote

1 month ago

In this episode of our series, we interview Kathy Cote, an expert on diet and exercise for perimenopausal and postmenopausal women! She is an online nutrition coach who helps women navigate this time through exercise and lifestyle to get the body and the life they want. We discuss supplements that may help, what kind of foods women should eat, and, most importantly, why they are helpful. Make sure to share this with your friends!

You can check out a previous interview with Kathy here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGb-YWLbW74&pp=ygUQS2F0aHkgQ290ZSBNb3Nlcw%3D%3D

If you have any questions related to the episode please email contact@mlrx.com for more info.

Check out the latest Health Solutions Podcast here: https://rumble.com/v643so1-health-solutions-with-shawn-and-janet-how-physical-therapists-can-help-reli.html

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Moses Lake Professional Pharmacy
Website | http://mlrx.com.com/

Shawn Needham
X | https://x.com/ShawnNeedham2
Shawn’s Book | http://mybook.to/Sickened_The_Book

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