Experts on Demand | Money From Cyprus and Plume Under Siberia

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They can be persuasive, they master the art of words, and their reputation precedes them by miles. They easily win public support and have an incredible determination to achieve their goals. Who are these media-popular experts whose persuasive opinions we hear so often? How do they work with information and what tools do they use to convince the masses? Their charisma was revealed to the world in the 20th Century by Edward Bernays, a marketing genius and author of the book Propaganda. Probably you haven’t heard of him, but he is undoubtedly one of the most influential figures of the 20th century. He developed methods of manipulating the crowd through hidden desires, subliminal implants, and strong intrusive emotions that he embedded into all forms of advertising campaigns. Examples of bloody consequences of such campaigns show that it wasn’t just innocent manipulation of public opinion. The opinions of carefully selected 'experts' played (and unfortunately still do) a key role in persuading the crowd towards a particular cause.

In the discussion, we again return to the discrediting campaign conducted against us, the ALLATRA International Public Movement. This campaign continues, despite our repeated public appeals for its termination, as it constitutes incitement to hatred. We, as participants, have repeatedly called for its cessation with a clear message to pay maximum attention to the real threat. A threat that lies under the Siberian taiga.

#siberia #pseudoexpert #edwardbernays #alvarova #feedingthedemons

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