Make it ONLY from OLD sponge cake🤯 / Holiday chocolate dessert “Christmas Tree Cones”🎄

20 days ago

DON'T throw away the old sponge cake, but rather make a holiday dessert for Christmas - “Christmas Tree Cones”🎄

Dessert will taste chocolate, with a delicate texture and an unusual design will decorate your Christmas table❄️☃️

You will make the decor with your own hands without using additional ingredients🙌

Watch step by step recipe in this video👇

📍Pin ingredients below this description as usual

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See U next time❤️

*sponge cake*
5 eggs
150 g sugar
50 g water
1 p vanilla sugar
a pinch of salt
150 g all-purpose flour
30 g cocoa powder
0,5 tsp baking powder

210 g unsalted butter
200 g condensed milk
rum flavoring

*for decor*
icing sugar & cocoa powder

5 Eier
150 g Zucker
50 g Wasser
1 P Vanillezucker
eine Prise Salz
150 g Allzweckmehl
30 g Kakaopulver
0,5 Teelöffel Backpulver

210 g ungesalzene Butter
200 g Kondensmilch

*für die Dekoration*
Puderzucker & Kakaopulver

5 huevos
150 g de azúcar
50 g de agua
1 p de azúcar vainillado
una pizca de sal
150 g de harina común
30 g de cacao en polvo
0,5 cucharaditas de levadura en polvo

210 g de mantequilla sin sal
200 g de leche condensada
aroma de ron

*para decorar*
azúcar glas y cacao en polvo

#dessert #chocolatedessert #spongecake #violetandkoikitchen #dessertrecipe #christmasdessert #coneshapedessert

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