Am Livid

2 months ago

I am not a big restaurant goer, but about the only restaurant I go to probably 4 or 5 times a year is closing because of high food costs and government regulations. The owner of the restaurant started it probably about 15 years ago. He was a heating and cooling guy who wanted to start an Italian restaurant, but knew nothing about it. He wrote a letter to a well known Italian chef in New York and asked for advice. The chef invited him to New York and greatly helped him in his endeavor. The owner found a building on the main street in the small town of Buckner, Mo. and spent about 3 years rehabbing it himself before opening his Italian restaurant, Tuscanos. It was a huge success from the beginning, with people from all over the Kansas CIty metro and even further away coming to the restaurant. He expanded a few years back as it continued to be a huge success.
A few days ago, I heard that Tuscanos was closing. I was shocked, saddened and angry. Before I even heard why, I had little doubt that it was food inflation brought about by Biden massive expansion of government and spending causing food costs to rise well over 25 percent, many items much more. I had noticed that prices had increased at Tuscanos, but they were still reasonable. Though even a slight increase can make a big difference in overall business. And the state of Missouri just voted in a minimum wage increase, which greatly hurts restaurants as well. It was able to be put on the ballot by getting a required number of signatures, the overwhelming Missouri state legislature opposed it and hopefully do something about it.
The federal government, especially with Democrats in charge, screw up everything. The Democrats hate the country, including its citizens. They hate small business, because they hate independence and self sufficiency. It's difficult to imagine how evil these Democrats really are. It's all about power to them.
During the China virus, blue state governors couldn't wait to shut down their states, and had no problem at all with tens of thousands of small businesses being forced out of business. Governor Kristy Noem kept her state of South Dakota open and small businesses were able to keep going.
Yes, many restaurants are still going, but Tuscanos closing makes me so livid. Yes, I will miss going there, but the federal government doing this is pure evil. We have to realize the enemy that we are up against and call them out or it will continue when the Democrats are in charge. Unfortunately, most of the Republicans in Congress are weak and afraid and ignorant. They don't grasp the enemy that we are up against. Thankfully President Trump is on the scence and does know what and who we are up against and will take action. I hope Tuscanos can stay open or reopen.

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