Hot Wheels Unleashed 2 Turbo Charged 4K Split Screen Review PS5

2 months ago

TOP 15 Couch Co-op Split Screen Racers 2024 #PS4 #PS5 #Gamepass
Hot Wheels Unleashed 2 Features FSR visual boosts on PlayStation 5
Like its predecessor, Turbocharged is a racing game. In the game, the player assumes control of vehicles from the Hot Wheels franchise, and races against opponents in miniature tracks set in various everyday locations. Turbocharged's tracks are set in five different environments based in an arcade, a family backyard, a mini-golf course, a museum, and a gas station diner. Players can also access the "Track Room", which allows them to freely create their own racing tracks and share them online.Outdoor tracks introduce new terrain types such as grass and dirt, and some tracks introduce modules, which allows players to perform impossible feats such as defying gravity and racing on ceiling. Vehicles in the game can now double jump, allowing players to jump over other opponents or to reach secret areas, and "lateral drift", which enables players to bump their opponents off the track

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