How To Remain Free Amongst Oppressors (Amazons, Barbarian Queen)

2 months ago

The probable-world that you live in, is basically the same situation, just much more sophisticated, now using A.i. technology to oppress. The guy calling the shots are a few hundred Homo capensis, ancient monsters. The guards are the millions of secret society initiates and Luciferian-minions(eg., Freemasons pretending to be good-police-officers and protective-military-officers, but instead are kind of double-agent spies protecting their Homo capensis masters).
The Amazons are adamant, awoken resisters to tyranny. And the peasants have finally had enough of the tyranny by a fake-government that is harvesting their labours and blood through trickery.
The clot-shots are real, even small children are dying from injections (heart-clots)... you are really in the beginning stage of their slaughter-fest of the sheeple, conducted by very wicked-hearted selfrighteous-thUgs.
This movie is how the fabled Amazons survived the genocide of their freedom.
The millions of Luciferians are not going to suddenly reject their wicked masters' commands and grow a conscience for peaceful world. Homo capensis expects all minions to die after their sheep-slaughter is done and that means humans go extinct just like the Neanderthals and Homo erectus were actually eradicated so humans didn't interbreed with them. Purity of the chosen live-stock was maintained. The 13 bloodlines of the illuminati understood Homo capensis demands for many centuries and thus they were incestuous to maintain their own stock purity.

Resist or be cleansed off the Earth is the Grand Chessboard game, now. All politics is just a stage-show until A.i. eradicates humanity. Trump is bringing in their A.i. fake-god (Their immaculate, "Red Queen") to command the home of the brave and land of the free.

Watch the entire movie:

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