What Could Get In The Way Of Jan 6? A Maga Civil War?

1 month ago

What could get in the way? A MAGA Civil War? Welcome to all the MAGA newcomers. With what has taken place recently, they started rolling out weeks ago with the divide at MAL with Elon being everywhere with Trump. They have been working on the divide between Elon and Trump.
We needed the H1B visas to have the Quick Mart and the Hotels. Now you are upset? Now we have a problem. It was bad in the 80s, 90s and 2000. Now there is a problem. They haven’t let your kids be engineers for years. We have a country that wants to shove our kids in the closet for years and wants to transition them.
Remember Elon Musk owns the place. Trump says the H1B visa program is great amid MAGA feud over tech workers.

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