The Light Gate Episode 088: James C Goodall

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The Light Gate welcomes guest: researcher and author, James C. Goodall
Date: December 30, 2024. Time: 5-7pm pacific / 8-10pm eastern
Episode: 088
Discussion: UFOs, advanced aircraft, Skunk Works, the UFO coverup

James C. Goodall is a published author with 27 books in print. He is a former Docent at Kitt Peak National Observatory, former Associate Curator at Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum, former Restoration Manager on the MoFs deHavilland Comet Mk 4C at The Museum of Flight, and a former Master sergeant at United States Air Force. He studied Business marketing at University of Minnesota. He is a recognized authority both on low-observable aircraft, such as the F-117, B-2A, the Lockheed ‘twins’ (F-22 and F-35) and the Lockheed Skunk Works family of Blackbirds, and the US Navy’s fleet of modern-day fast attack and ballistic missile submarines. He has been photographing and writing about ‘spooky’ military aircraft, naval ships and submarines for the past 35 years, and his last book, 75 years of the Lockheed Martin Skunk Works, was published by Osprey in 2021.

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