Investigating Avalon, Ancient Magic & the Current Drone Phenomenon

1 month ago

In her newest book, A Hypnotist’s Journey to Avalon, Sarah Breskman Cosme examines the testimony of clients she has hypnotically regressed to learn about their past-life memories associated with Atlantis and Avalon. She learns about red crystals brought to Earth in ancient times that continue to have great power and influence in mysterious civilizations such as Avalon in the British Isles.

In addition, Breskman discusses mythological beings such as fairies, dragons and elves, which her clients reveal as genuine beings that flourished or continue to exist in the British Isles. She believes that magic is the essence of creation, and will help practitioners connect with their Higher Selves. Finally, she discusses the drone phenomenon sweeping the world and what her clients have revealed about them.

Sarah Breskman Cosme is a certified Level 3 Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) practitioner and specializes in assisting clients in regaining past life memories that can help in their healing and self-actualization journeys. She has worked with hundreds of QHHT clients who have shared stunning information regarding Ancient Egypt, creator gods, Atlantis, and extraterrestrial visitors. She is the author of the author of four books, the most recent is A Hypnotists Journey to Avalon

Sarah Breskman Cosme’s website is:
A Hypnotist’s Journey to Avalon is available at:

My deep appreciation to Angelika Whitecliff for designing the banner for this interview and to Jas Marlin for the video editing. Michael Salla, Ph.D.

Exopolitics Today with Dr. Michael Salla

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