Divorce Without Attorney & Court

18 days ago

Exposing the BAR CARD incompetence & scam.
A few days ago, a now deleted profile threatened to report me to the state bar.

Because I'm proving they knowingly circumvent the rights of their fellow man.

It's only a profession of honor if they were to inform the public, they can only represent corporations and never the private rights of living men.

In doing so that person would have to swear under penalty of perjury to what they claim and if their claim is false, I would have a red carpet entry to hose them civilly, and trust me, I'd own his home, his cars, and the toys his kids play with.

The common law is for the common man.

I never pretend to give LEGAL advice as that would mean that I am doing so based on the statutory codes of the legislative body.

We teach how to exercise your PRIVATE RIGHTS and I don't need permission from the state to give my opinion.

I can study the founding documents, the Bill of Rights, and Supreme Court cases that prove everything I say.

Today's video is one of my favorites!

I can't say, "Hey we have a sure fire way to common law divorce", but this situation is unique and exposes how unlawful the BAR card agents of the state and officers of the court are.

This member of the Inalienable University was married in another country and was not a US citizen at the time of the marriage.

​He moved to the USA, had two American children with state birth certificates.

Wife decides to divorce, she hires a BAR CARD attorney who then files for divorce in a state court.

There's no marriage license!

There's no state contract with the state to even bring forth this cause of action to dissolve.

The marriage LICENSE is your contract with the state, that you don't even need, that brings them into your union as a third party that owns everything made from that union, including your BIOLOGICAL PROPERTY, as they call it.

When he asked attorneys if he was even married in the USA they could not even give him a legal conclusion!!

But they charged him $15,000 to get him divorced! 🤔

NO, HE'S NOT MARRIED AS PER THE LEGAL SYSTEM IN THE USA so the legal system has no standing to grant him a divorce.

They are not a party to his union.

And for this reason we can apply the common law.
But also these unique circumstances.

His businesses are set up to be untouchable, so he has the financial leverage.

She has the leverage of the children.

So find a proper meeting of the minds and do the right thing as our member is offering a fabulous settlement and of course he will fully take care of his children.

He simply wants 50/50.

So why should BAR CARD agents of the state and officers of the court be involved, putting his children at risk for the whims of the court and the grift of a CONTRACT with Family Court (private for profit corporation) to take a percentage of his child support payments for facilitating the deal?

Enter our newly invited common law divorce! 🤣

But see how the BAR CARD officers of the court are so stupid and/or grifting that despite there being no marriage license, are willing to file for a dissolution with a state court?

Of what?
What are you dissolving?
There is literally no paperwork to dissolve.

​It's none of the beeswax of the state courts!
They have no jurisdiction.

If they had integrity, even in their statuary world, I can understand their mindset bringing a claim for the custody issue, but that's it.

But still, the system is with private for profit corporations ACTING AND PRETENDING TO BE government.

So when you agree to the proceedings, you are making an agreement (without full disclosure of the terms and that you are waiving you rights)

But nobody needs to be hosed by the state and the BAR and waive their rights.

So we are showing how to stand against this and what Scott says in this video also contributes to the broader concepts of how to stand using your PRIVATE RIGHTS.

Scott is a law school grad who would never join then BAR because no law school teaches how to exercise your private rights and no BAR card agent can ever represent you and your private rights, only CIVIL RIGHTS.

Civil rights that were laid out in statutory code.

Private rights are in the Bill of Rights and so much more, protected by the Constitution.

Take a listen to the LEGAL FOCKERY.

Follow me to freedom!

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