Answer these questions and leave me in 2024

2 months ago

For the 1 million time, where is femi? I didn't ever ask for you and there are several reasons why I don't. First you have a serious problem with gossip online with people and some of them don't play around like that. Second, its very clear that you have too much unemployment time on your hands that you want to pretend that you are a journalist. You love youtube but youtube doesn't love you back, lol. Cartoon pictures and gossiping about homeless black women is not going to get you monetized but it's funny to watch you try.

If you were such an honest person, you would put up all of your past live shows and videos so the audience can make a decision to see if you are lying or not. Start with the live that you had me and dds02d on. You are coming off too self absorbed and you playing a forever victim.

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