You’re Using Direct Deposit WRONG! | Why We Carry a Debit Card We Don’t Use - Ep. #103

1 month ago

Do you carry a redundant card in your wallet? Why? And how might you change your direct deposit to help you manage money more frugally?

00:00 – Intro

00:36 – Why We Carry a Debit Card We Don't Use

05:57 – How to Hack Your Direct Deposit and Cash Flow

In the story today, Jay explains why he and his wife carry an extra debit card in their wallet that they never use. Have you ever been in a position where you couldn't access your money? What did you do about it? Let us know in the comments.

The main topic is inspired by a conversation with Chris White from Wichita, KS - a financial advisor who utilizes Currents to improve client savings rates. Chris inspired Jay to share the unique strategy that flips direct deposit convention on its head. This process is a simple on that you can implement to better your financial life on you own in 2025. Would restructuring your direct deposit help you with your money habits and savings rate?

If you would like to meet Chris to discuss the process or Currents, here is his booking link:

As we close out the year, we will also be taking a break from weekly HopeFilled Financial Podcast episodes. Our goal will be to program an amazing 2025 season for you and to get ahead on our recording. We will be back! Please follow us on Facebook and X to make sure you don't miss when we come back.

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Disclaimer: This podcast serves as educational entertainment only. Any and all opinions relating to real estate, law, taxes, insurance, and/or securities investing that may be contained within this podcast should not be interpreted or implemented as recommendations nor advice. The opinions related to these topics – especially those regulated by state and/or federal entities – should never be taken as replacement for advice from a competent, licensed professional. HopeFilled Financial Coaching is not liable for any individual acting on any understanding of topics directly or indirectly related to real estate, legal practice, taxes, insurance, or investing even if an individual in question changed their understanding after listening to this podcast. All listeners are entirely responsible for seeking advice from licensed professionals before taking any action of their own.

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Music: "Take Me Higher" by Jahzzar

Music Copyright License: This music is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, PO Box 1866, Mountain View, CA 94042, USA.

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