With Dr. Leisa Marie Carzon & Barry Meguiar

3 days ago

Dr. Leisa Marie Carzon, Author of "sister,Soldier, Surgeon"

I had a fascinating interview with Lisa Marie Carzone about Sister Didi Byrne, a remarkable sister, soldier, and surgeon who has lived a life of service to her God and country and has been a model for all of us and an exemplar of the Christian mission that was bequeathed to us by the man born on this day, Jesus Christ.

Barry Meguiar, President of Meguiar's Inc.

I had the most marvelous conversation with Barry Maguire about igniting your life. It's the subject of his terrific book on how we can all be fulfilled Christians by bringing other people to the Lord simply by sharing your love with them. And I could think of no better message to impart on this Christmas edition of our show, Securing America. Praise the Lord.

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