How Vaccine Companies Rake in Billions with No Liability

2 months ago

How Vaccine Companies Rake in Billions with No Liability: Aaron Siri’s Insight
"Since the early eighties, it is becoming an increasingly large percentage of their portfolio in particular for Sanofi, Merck, GlaxoSmithKline, and Pfizer. Those 4 in particular are make most of the childhood vaccines and vaccines in America and their portfolio, their percentage of portfolio has been increasing."

"Because imagine I came to you and I said, hey, Tucker, I got a business idea for you. Okay. You ready? You wanna hear it? Listen to what we're gonna do. We're gonna put out this product. Okay? Like, what is it? Don't worry about it."

"But we inject into people. Well, why would people take it? Well, the government's gonna mandate it. Oh, okay. Great. Well, is it safe? Don't worry about it. Because they're gonna give us immunity. Well, I mean, what do people like start attacking us in the media?"

"Don't worry. The federal government's also gonna promote it for us, as well as all 50 health agencies. You'd be like, well, let me get this straight. Guaranteed market, immunity to liability, it's a no brainer. So obviously, yes."

"So what they did is they took away the one true way you assure product safety. And to be clear, there is no other product on the market that's like this. And let me draw this into sharp contrast for you. Pfizer, according to Money Inc's top 5 selling drugs, when you look at that list, 4 of them are drugs one's a vaccine. This is not including COVID vaccine."

"Enbrel, Eliquis, and so forth. If you go to the FDA website, everybody should do this. And I'm like, I actually have a chart on this on my Twitter feed. And and and you can see what was the clinical trial relied upon to license that those 4 drugs."

"The top 5 selling Pfizer products. Most of those clinical trials relied upon to license products were multiyear placebo controlled trials. Why would Pfizer do that? Why would Pfizer do that with those products?"

"But when you look at vaccine products and again, you you this is gonna sound crazy, but I'm telling you, it's right there on the FDA website. Most childhood vaccines are licensed based on days or weeks of safety review after injection. Virtually never a placebo control group ever, or sometimes no control or a control that makes no sense."

"And often underpowered, meaning you don't have enough kids in it to really assess if there's even an issue. So why would Pfizer have multiyear placebo controlled trial for its drugs, but all these vaccines are put out with just ridiculous, like, this polio vaccine we talked about."

"It's because Pfizer wants to know whether or not those drugs are gonna cause harm after they're licensed. Because if it does, they're on the hook. They don't wanna end up upside down financially. They don't wanna lose money on those drugs."

"So before it goes on the market, they make sure they want those trials. Forget you asked me before about the FDA. Forget the FDA. That's what economic interest does. It conforms the conduct of the company to assure safety, and that's a great thing."

"That's part of why our market system works well with regards to product safety. People talk about the lawsuits. Yeah. The lawsuits are there, but it's not the lawsuits that make them safe. It's the fact that they wanna make money, and most of safety happens before the lawsuit."

"It happens before the product even goes to market. The company cares. They test it. They evaluate it. They don't wanna face the liability and be upside down."

"But when it comes to vaccines, they don't have that interest. When you look at most lawsuits that big companies face, the board members face, the officers face, oftentimes because they cause a financial loss. Right? Ever hear of a lawsuit of securities class action because a company was immoral, was unethical? No."

"It's because they lost money. It's because they didn't do things to maximize money in many ways. And so that's what conforms. That's what drives corporate conduct, drives the companies to make decisions about what they're gonna do. And you have a company that's making a a product."

"When they make the drug, their their fiduciary duty to their shareholders is to make sure they test that properly. But their fiduciary duty to their shareholders when it comes to the vaccines is to test them as little as possible. Because if they do test them and they find a problem, then they can't make money from it. They might not get to market. They would actually be kind of in some ways, forget ethics and morality."

"They would in many ways violate their fiduciary duty to their shareholders to to test the vaccine too much. Too much. If they know too much, then then it won't get licensed. It's a perversion of it. And then after so not only did they gut not only did they gut the economic interest."

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