2 months ago

Michael Rapaport has struck again. In a self-filmed, expletives-ridden rant, the US actor thinks he’s proved to the world that there is no apartheid in Israel - by walking down a Jerusalem street asking people if they can tell him where to find it and getting no answer. Our man William Sakawa blows his ‘methodology’ out of the water in this response video - in which he ‘proves’ there are no slums in Nairobi… by wandering around the high-end suburb of Karen in search of them!

The Kenyan capital’s biggest slum is just a minute's drive away, of course - just as what’s been described by many as the world’s biggest concentration camp, the Gaza Strip, is not far from Jerusalem.

Israel’s discriminatory policies against Palestinians are well recorded. In a report, the Jerusalem-based human rights group B’Tselem found that Israel's governance systematically promotes Jewish supremacy. Palestinians, even those who are citizens, frequently face unequal treatment in terms of access to basic services such as education, healthcare and infrastructure when compared with Israeli citizens.

Israel has implemented laws and policies that systematically favour Jewish citizens over Palestinians in areas such as land ownership, residency rights and access to resources. This includes restrictions on Palestinian movement, control over building permits and differential treatment in legal proceedings.

Palestinians in the occupied territories encounter numerous checkpoints, roadblocks and barriers to movement - while Jewish settlers enjoy unrestricted movement on roads and infrastructure that Palestinians are prohibited from using. Israel's ongoing construction of settlements in occupied Palestinian territories, deemed illegal under international law, is also seen as a deliberate effort to alter the demographic makeup of these areas and maintain Jewish dominance, further entrenching the apartheid-like conditions.

What do you think - does apartheid (do slums) exist in Israel (Kenya)?

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