Turtleneck Tantrum: Don Lemon Rants And Raves In New Video As Search For Relevance Continues

2 months ago

Posted • December 30, 2024: We like to check in on Don Lemon periodically to see how his search for relevance is going. We can report he still hasn’t discovered it, but he sure is cracking himself up over at the Democrat echo chamber known as Bluesky. He’s released a video which we can only assume is about the recent spirited online debate over H-1B visas for tech workers and others. He’s reading a lot into that debate. Anyway, here’s his rambling rant. Someone please do a mental health check on Don Lemon. He got so excited that he overheated and was forced to unzipper his turtleneck. Many were confused by whatever Lemon was carrying on about. Lemon did look like was hopped up on something. Emojis were flying everywhere! But, most posters agree that the immigration debate on X was healthy. (…)

• More at: Twitchy - Turtleneck Tantrum: Don Lemon Rants and Raves in New Video as Search for Relevance Continues

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