The Big Picture 194 – Citizen, Soldier and Taxpayer, Too - Full HD & Colorized

3 days ago

On this episode of The Big Picture, titled “Citizen, Soldier and Taxpayer, Too,” audiences learn about the U.S. Army’s “war against waste.” Secretary of the Army Frank Pace Jr. begins by emphasizing the challenges associated with efficiently maintaining a massive and global fighting force. Next, viewers learn about Operation Roll-Up, during which WWII scrap weapons from across the Pacific were salvaged and repurposed for employment in the Korean conflict. This episode also showcases the role of equipment conservation teams on battlefields in Korea, the careful storage of military vehicles in climate-controlled storage facilities, and the Army’s recycling of canteens, clothing, and much more. Finally, Secretary Pace returns to outline just how many dollars the U.S. Army saves via rehabilitation of old equipment in the quest to conserve.

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