US DOD admits the goal is to starve and freeze Syrians into submission

2 months ago

Wait until you hear this information. My goodness. Just awful. It's sickening how they're using starvation as a means of warfare. That sounds like the Bolshivist barbarians modus operandi. Israel has been starving the Palestinian Christian and Muslim families for quite some time and on October 8th cut off their water, cut off their food, and cut off their electricity BECAUSE FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO DON'T KNOW, Israel controls Gaza. Israel controls everything going into Gaza and everything going out of Gaza. And Israel wants you to believe they were SURPRISED, CAUGHT OFF GUARD on October 7th.

Also, the US canceled the $10 million reward for the arrest of Syria's new leader they called a terrorist and who the US and Israel helped to overthrow the longstanding Syrian government. Get this, his real name is...Yonatan Zvi-Dabid and ISIS gave him the nickname, Jewlani or Joolani. They say he was a Israeli Mossad mole.

I put this video together, customized this background, took these screenshots. Sorry no captions this time.

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