163.20241229 The 9/11 WarRoom: Curt Weldon - The Path To The President

2 months ago

Show Notes:

In this episode of The 9/11 WarRoom we continue to discuss how Curt Weldon, former congressman, took center stage with a fiery call to action for a new independent presidential commission to investigate 9/11. His no-holds-barred message to "make some noise, raise some Cain, and shake the country" has reignited passion in the movement.

Here’s what went down:

- Weldon's Push for Justice: Weldon is on fire about uncovering the truth behind 9/11, focusing on intelligence failures like Able Danger. He’s reaching out to big platforms like Tucker Carlson, Joe Rogan, Jimmy Dore, and Alex Jones and any others now to get the word out. He’s serious about this, and is taking this to Trump through Tulsi Gabbard and J.D. Vance.

- Five-Lane Strategy for Evidence: The team laid out five main lanes for tackling the 9/11 evidence:
1. Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth: Breaking down the problems with the official story, particularly WTC7.
2. UAF Study & Free-Fall Analysis: Highlighting findings that contradict the NIST report.
3. Firefighter Testimonies: Including firsthand accounts of explosions and the firefighting challenges on 9/11.
4. Controlled Demolition Evidence: Digging deep into nanothermite and explosive residues.
5. Documenting Everything: Collecting sworn affidavits and depositions for future legal action.

- Firefighters as Game-Changers: Weldon believes firefighters hold the key to cracking open the public narrative. Raul Angulo’s work with PAPA (Protecting All Protectors Alliance) is building momentum by challenging NIST and engaging the firefighting community, which has historically been a tough audience to reach. Raul’s 8,000-word article is a big part of this effort and has sparked new conversations within the fire service.

- Keeping the Focus Tight: The group emphasized sticking to the strongest evidence—like WTC7 and the scientific research—while steering clear of divisive theories like no-planes or directed energy weapons. The goal is to present a united and credible front.

- A New Episode of Crime Scene To Courtroom: Richard Gage announced the release of Episode 2 tited, "The Grand Jury Meets the Fires of Building 7" aired, showing how NIST distorted the truth about WTC7’s fires. This video is part of the ongoing effort to package 9/11 evidence into a docuseries that could eventually be used in court.

- Legal Strategy Update: Barbara Honegger shared how the Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry plans to submit the completed docuseries as a formal supplement to their grand jury petition. If the U.S. Attorney continues to stonewall, they’ll go directly to a judge to force action.

- Media and Outreach Ideas: The group brainstormed ways to support Weldon and the movement, like creating memes, flyers, and videos, and spreading them through grassroots channels. There’s also talk of sending targeted materials to firehouses and building on Weldon’s connections.

- Caution and Optimism: Some raised concerns about Weldon going solo on big interviews, especially with someone tough like Tucker Carlson. The consensus? He needs backup, someone like Richard Gage or Raul Angulo to handle technical questions. Others worried about Weldon being naive or even co-opted, but most agreed his passion is genuine and is to be strongly supported.

- Unifying the Movement: The team reflected on the importance of collaboration across groups like Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, (AE911Truth), the Lawyers' Committee for 9/11 Inquiry (LC), Protecting All Protectors (PAPA), Richard Gate 9/11, Truth Action Project (TAP), the International Center for 9/11 Justice (IC911), local 9/11 truth organizations, and individuals. Everyone agreed on one thing: this is a huge opportunity, and they need to make the most of it.

The episode wrapped with updates on upcoming events, including more from Raul Angulo and plans to keep building momentum in 2025. Listeners left with a clear call to action: rally around Weldon, stay focused on the strongest evidence, and keep pushing for truth and justice.

=CORPORATE 9/11 NEWS=================

World Trade Center Health Program funding suffers setback. Fire unions sound off on Congress' failure to act.

=9/11 TRUTH MOVEMENT NEWS============

Crime Scene To Courtroom Episode 2 To Be Released January 5, 2025
Trailer: https://vimeo.com/1042194797

Boston 9/11 Truth Movement Interview Lineup
1/2 - Wayne Coste & Craig McKee
1/9 - Andy Steele
1/23 - Phil Restino
2/6 - Nelson Martins
2/20 - Joe Olson
Email SueSerpa@gmail.com for an invite.

Please visit Curt Weldon's Podcast: BoxAlarmPodcast.com
and definitely check out his interview with Anthony Shafer about Able Danger:

=PINNED MESSAGES================

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=CHAT LOG==================

17:01:35 From Gail Gage to Everyone:
Hello everyone, great to be here! Thank you Gene and Sandra❣️
17:08:41 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
https://youtu.be/HuUc7iePQbE?si=EXqR9SlsUValMPlU cars
17:09:03 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
https://youtu.be/mB2fHqnqZaE?si=lTD6TknrGPxHYEby David
17:12:15 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Tucker seems to be coming around. Admitting you were so very, very wrong is difficult…
17:22:58 From Wayne Coste, P.E. to Everyone:
Review of Core-Channel Connection Failures as a Probable Source of Cascading Failure of the World Trade Center Twin Towers | Proceedings | Vol , No
17:29:45 From Sean to Everyone:
Good day all
17:31:54 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
First responders- PAPA- and family members along with Richard would be like a nuclear bomb alongside Raul with Tucker!!!!!
17:35:50 From Ross Migrating Bird to Everyone:
Happy New Year to all ! Got to go.....!
17:36:01 From gerry to Everyone:
and to you Ross
17:36:13 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Happy New Year!
17:36:31 From Ross Migrating Bird to Everyone:
17:39:34 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
This is so deep and so heavy… people in positions of power, Joe R. And Tucker, et al, are under tremendous pressure. When it tips, it’s over.
17:40:29 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Tipping points- key things, in the environment and society, etc.
17:43:44 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
https://youtube.com/shorts/GMcGT0Mszo0?si=KpsliXdPP7YhpgJw maybe true steel
17:48:56 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
https://youtu.be/QqcyzRS7deo?si=-RdK_1G227Z8Lzg9 mueller
17:51:17 From gerry to Everyone:
yes, all that aside, these people ere on Schafer's charts that he kept a copy of
17:53:09 From chuck fall to Everyone:
It is conceivable that the Able Danger report was a sincere piece of detective work that the FBI advanced, and that the Atta cell was a CIA operation that was intended to be discovered so the patsy story was in place.
So Curt Weldon is looking at the finger pointing at the moon but failing to see the actual moon.
17:54:05 From magnus langlete to Everyone:
Bill Cooper https://youtu.be/4JHqB7w9WSI?si=nHwdRR63pmVEyhMf
17:54:44 From chuck fall to Everyone:
The parallels between Cynthia McKinney getting run out of congress and Weldon losing his seat are remarkably similar; both congress people were looking for the truth and were punished for demanding
17:56:21 From chuck fall to Everyone:
So, Raul wrote an 8000 page article on the Able Danger investigation that was suppressed?
17:56:24 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Amen chuck
18:03:34 From chuck fall to Everyone:
Here is an essay I wrote riffing off of a chief chapter in Fran Shur’s long essay on people being silent about state crimes: https://greenlibertycaucus.org/cognitive-dissonance-big-lies/
18:05:59 From gerry to Everyone:
the firefighting community could breach the dam like no other
18:07:09 From chuck fall to Everyone:
the idea of taking the truther movement to the fire department is interesting. Title is Justice for those lost in North Tower!!!
18:11:14 From chuck fall to Everyone:
The education of Curt Weldon, a primer on 9/11 big lies
18:13:02 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Gene- you have a couple of years to get that nail driven.
18:21:14 From gerry to Everyone:
the movement has redundancy in the numbers and that is the best reach, wider footprint
18:29:19 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
I’ve got great faith in Tulsi- hope it’s not misplaced
18:30:08 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
In my opinion, and really there is no other better opinion, in my opinion, she is a bad ass!
18:37:04 From Wayne Coste, P.E. to Everyone:
18:46:00 From Wayne Coste, P.E. to Everyone:
The submitted paper
18:46:24 From gerry to Everyone:
Wayne, Do you want the truss details also at that level ?
18:46:42 From gerry to Everyone:
I have a sheet that I made up with them if you ever wanted to add that detail
18:46:51 From gerry to Everyone:
from book 7 I mean
18:46:56 From gerry to Everyone:
cheers magnus
18:47:05 From Wayne Coste, P.E. to Everyone:
Sure send them to me
18:48:23 From gerry to Everyone:
zoomable copy with the bits of the sheets cut out and pasted, so you can see the truss types and welding detail numbers
18:48:32 From Wayne Coste, P.E. to Everyone:
Downloaded it
19:00:59 From Steve De'ak to Everyone:
greetings all, good job
19:01:40 From Michael Cook to Everyone:
Happy New Year

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The 9/11 WarRoom (911warroom.com) is a weekly roundtable discussion hosted by Gene & Sandra focusing on 9/11 news, strategy and activism. Everyone is welcome to participate in the conversation or just listen in.

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