With Robert Charles, Nicole Neily & Seth Crosey

3 days ago

Robert Charles, Author of "Eagles and Evergreens"

Robert Charles and I discussed the wrecking operation of the Biden presidency, but clearly, it's been under other management all along, has been doing of late to our republic, and seems determined to do even more of in its final days, or what at least we pray will be its final days, ending on the 20th of January.

Nicole Neily, President, Parents Defending Education

I discussed with Nicole Neily the work she is doing in trying to counter activists and their radical agendas now being inflicted upon our kids in both government schools and others, advancing a host of, I can only describe them as diabolical ideas and initiatives why they must be countered children spared from the consequences of that kind of indoctrination.

Seth Cropsey, Author of "Seablindness"

I spoke with Seth Cropsey about the important insight that Donald Trump has impelled us to take a board by pointing out the need for the United States to control the Panama Canal and how that fits into a strategic posture in which we are able to assure our passage and that of other shipping through the seven or eight critical choke points.
around the world if we are to assure not only our economic prosperity but also our national security.

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