Elon Musk is an evil pro-Zionist & pro-China Globalist FRAUD

3 days ago

Elon Musk is a Pro-Zionist Globalist FRAUD, as evidenced by allowing Twitter/X moderation to be run by an Israeli company who then censors, shadow bans, demonetizes, and suspends accounts critical of Israel, Jewish Supremacy, the Palestine Genocide or that reveal the many LIES throughout history, especially regarding WW2, Germany, and the so-called Holocaust.

He and the other Zionists in power are also in bed with China and could care less about America, American workers, White people, and Christians. The Zionist Jews HATE White people and Christians, and if you haven't NOTICED this yet, you are a fucking retard !!!

The Zionists at Blackrock and other Jewish Banks got exclusive deals in China and illegally funneled BILLIONS in China money to the DNC and Biden in 2020, with the result being the unseating of an uncooperative Donald Trump, a completely Zionist dominated Biden administration, open borders, and NGOs receiving BILLIONS from the Federal government to facilitate an unprecedented mass immigration.

This was yet another Hegelian Dialectic Jew Pysop, Problem-Reaction-Solution, where the mass immigration problem and outraged public reaction was presented the solution, the now cooperative Donald Trump (amazing what a bullet buzzing by your head and billions of dollars will do), bought and owned by NeoCon, war-mongering, Zionist Jews.

This "solution" also included the pro-Zionist GOP, who got in line behind Israel 100% after the OCT 7th Hamas attack, which was planned and known about by Israel and the Mossad.

A convenient switch in party support by powerful Jews from Democrat to GOP occurred in 2024 as the Cultural Marxist Woke Monster that the Jews created through the Media, Hollywood, Music Industry, Academia, and Financial Institutions like Blackrock requiring DEI in all corporations to receive financing, turned on the Jews over their absolute evil slaughter of innocent men, women, and children in Palestine. And once again, what was the "Solution" to this Woke Monster “crisis” and outraged public "reaction"? The solution was the pro-Zionist GOP that opposed the Woke Monster.

YOU ARE ALL BEING PLAYED and have been for a very long time.

9/11 was yet another Hegelian Dialectic Jew Pysop, Problem-Reaction-Solution. The "solution" there was the Patriot Act establishing Deep State surveillance with the destruction of our liberties and with tremendous power given to the Deep State. More of the "solution" was the endless Middle East wars on the behalf of Israel, projecting us on our current path of unsustainable debt and bankruptcy.

To seal this inevitable bankruptcy, the COVID plandemic hit in 2020, where small, independent businesses were destroyed, wealth was transferred to authoritarian Deep State allied corporations, and TRILLIONS were raided from the Treasury and STOLEN from future generations. EVERYTHING about the COVID plandemic, the Media LIES. the political leaders and judges enforcing lockdowns and mandates, the CDC and FDA forcing deadly policies on the American people, and the harmful and ineffective fake vaccine was JEWISH !!!!

The next "solution" to our financial problem will be more Communism, with Universal Basic Income, where the only way to receive this government payment will be to submit to medical tyranny, give up your guns, and obey everything the government tells you.

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