Bouldering like no tomorrow.

1 month ago

In this video we look at what effects air fryers have on your methane production.
We speak to Martha who survived an explosion in the smokers room having double helpings of steamed pudding which led to the untimely deaths of all other smokers. The building had to be demolished for safety reasons and is currently being used for weapons in a bust up between the Broons and Our Wullie. Wullie having been released from his 25 year stint as a bucket man exelled up the ladder of spies and espionage. The Broons on the other hand with their 7 dad's 63 children and a mother that has never stood up for at least 13 years are at war with the wellie. Rumours that wullie was eaten alive whilst on magic mushrooms are rife. A spokesperson for the cops said last night if I catch that 15 headed snake that threw the frichen bricks then I'm going to feed him to the hippos, whilst pointing to a row of parked cars. Cops have appealled for calm and have asked that anyone with dashcam footage that shows the flying saucers elephants and snakes to contact their psychiatrist as it is probably just a glitch in the matrix.
Tonight it will be raining over most of the UK. Cops would like to ask people to carry their umberellas as it prevents the rain from wetting your head. Although I've always said that it should never be done in public in the first place but there we are.
Please come back for me to tell you when the sun comes out that the sun is out. And remember clunk and clunk again every trip.

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