The Thirteenth Tribe: The Khazar Empire and its Heritage | Audiobook by Arthur Koestler ⚔️🏰✡️

2 months ago

The Khazars were a fierce war-like tribe of Phallus worshippers who converted to Judaism in 8th century and considered themselves 'The Thirteenth Tribe'. They adopted the Old Testament, the Talmud, the Kabbalah, kept the feast days and all males were circumcised. As practicing Jews, they rejected Jesus as the Messiah and hated Christians and Muslims alike.

Over time they moved West and dropped their identity as Khazar Jews and simply called themselves "Jews". Bloodline Jews from Western Europe spread Eastward and eventually it was nearly impossible to tell who was a blood descendant of Abraham.

The Khazarians were also referred to as, "The Name Stealers" by both the Chinese and the Western Europeans, and those traveling through Khazarian land to sell their wares, or conduct business on the opposite side of the continent, were warned about friendly Khazarian villagers offering to take them in, feed them, offer them company, conversation and act as guides during their travels.
Good video from Clif High explaining how they earned this ominous moniker: [skip to 13:05]

It was the offspring of the Khazar Jews that gave birth to the Communist and Zionist movements in the 19th century, and with their heavy involvement in the Kabbalah, they have emerged on the world scene as the power brokers in the 20th and 21st centuries.

The "Khazarian Mafia", as they are sometimes referred to, have taken over Israel, Central Banking, Academia, Governments, Hollywood, Media, Big Pharma and Big Tech, and are the cause of all the Wars we see today:

A DNA study conducted by Johns Hopkins on the current Ashkenazi Jews who make up 97.5% of Israel today, found that they are Khazars and have 0% Semitic Hebrew lineage. That same study found that 80% of Palestinians are of a Semitic bloodline. This would mean that they never had an ancestor who set foot into the Holy Land of Palestine until after WWII, when the Rothschild Banking Cartel funded the exodus and genocide of the inhabitants of Palestine to pave the way for the Jewish State.

The "Khazarian Mafia" also has their eyes set on Ukraine, ground zero for a 2nd Israel in Europe, part of "The Greater Israel Project" and a revamp of the old Khazarian Empire:

To accomplish this they need a "Brother War" consisting of Christian Whites to decimate their ranks and prevent any opposition to Ukraine becoming a full fledged Jewish State. So far they have their War full forced conscripts, they have a Jewish president (Zelenskyy), they have massive funding and weapons, much of which has gone unaccounted for (Foreign Aid), and they have banned the Christian Orthodox Church:

Connect the dots. ⚔️🏰✡️

Mirroring from MediaGiant:

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