[US Space Force] Excalibur Program

2 months ago

A simulation of the Excalibur gunship flying through an atmosphere.

Centauri "gifted" humanity (at a very good price) with the plans to The Excalibur Program after Alex Rogan saved the galaxy all moved to Rylos with Mags and the Pentagon wanted the technology first.

President Donald John Trump founded the United States Space Force in 2019 to take advantage of that knowledge and the Excalibur is on the short list to become the first model for the Space Force fleet.

Tools used:
Blender 4.3.2
Flamenco 3.6
Audacity 3.6.4

Audio source:
President Trump on establishing a Space Force (C-SPAN) - Jun 18, 2018.

3D model designed by WhatWorx

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