Campeona Streamer

2 months ago

a Chilean fly popularized by Elizabeth (Liz) Greig
recipe in The Founding Flies by Mike Valla

Hook: 1/0 - 3/0 black salmon, up eye tapered eye
Thread: red
Tag: small silver tinsel
Tail: two long red quill slips
Butt: two wraps white chenille
Rib: medium silver tinsel
Body: green wool, dubbed
Legs: thorax wool teased out to gape length
Throat: red hen hackle barbs (or two or three turns of hackle turned down)
Wing: generous clump of peacock herl extending over tail
Shoulders: tip of teal body feather or comparable

Head cement recipe:
Xylene (epoxy thinnner)

Fill a quart jar half full with Xylene
Squeeze a tube of Goop into the Xylene
Shake until the Goop is dissolved; add Xylene to desired consistency

Apply with a pin or needle dipped in the liquid

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