Targeted Individuals, Nazi's MKultra, and American Secret Space Program Are All Connected

27 days ago

My possible links to Germany/SSP programs as a child that I am just now discovering: I grew up in Hanover, Mass-- a town named after Hanoverian Germans (the thumbnail is their coat of arms), my best friends as a child were from German families in Hanover, My sister once said my mother had a German birth certificate as well as a Canadian one, our neighbors made frequent trips to Los Alamos Labs in New Mexico, another neighbor was connected to White Sands Miiltary Base. It was also believed another neighbor, was CIA and was always armed and often taking trips to Afghanistan. At around age 10 I was given a black Swastikas' necklace by a little boy about my age. The moment stands out. We were both sitting on Stingray bicycles on Broadway Street in Hanover. It felt natural for me to take and receive the Swastikas', as if I was under mind control. My best friend, Peter Gerberville, had two Doberman Pincher dogs and I was terrified of them (I have since learned that this dogs are often used by U.S. Navy to terrorize children in the SSP program). Not to mention, I cannot remember the first seven years of my life which I have now come to believe was lived as an Secret Space Program Abductee, who was mind wiped after my "service" had ended.

Common Experiences of Targeted Individuals Who Are Victims of Navy/Air Force/CIA Military Dark Ops:

Microwave weapons attacks
Radiation attacks
Cyberhacking (emails, social media, online businesses, online applications, anything you do online will most likely be hacked, altered, or removed)
Blacklisted (I was blacklisted from all journalism jobs in Maine)
Employment Sabotage (they will sabotage your paychecks, social networking, status, reputation and more)
Mind Control through implanted microchips- (the kind my father sold for Raytheon and Honeywell) or Remote Neural Monitoring (or both)
Electronic Rape
Synthetic and holographic dreams-- Nightly, often, images are taken from the target's own memory banks of the worst traumas of their lives, and they run the images like a movie, so the Target re-lives them nightly.
Demon attacks
Satanic curses
Sabotage of any and all finances
Mail Fraud (the targets mail will be held for weeks or months at a time, opened, possibly damaged in some way, or just disposed of)
Helicopter harassment, both overhead, with many helicopters at once circling above the target, and or following them on the road when the target is in her/his car.
Drone, cell tower, and satellite, weapons attacks
Noise shock (explosions, fireworks, sirens, dogs, etc) to shock the target, often when he/she is about to enter REM sleep or at other inopportune
Police harassment, Police will follow and/or stop the victim, without reason and without explanation--just to impose fear.
Street theatre (mostly it is hired thugs to say your name out loud in public or to say or do things to try and get the target to react negatively)
Killing of pets
Stalking Target with dangerous animals like Pit Bulls
Assassination Attempts
Stealing the Targets children via family courts, The Gifted and Talented Programs, cults, stepparents, grandparents (whoever they can find in the family system who can be corrupted or is already a part of MKultra) foster care, detention centers, juvenile court, kidnapping and MKultra mind control.
False medical diagnosis
False imprisonments and false hospitalizations.
Tinnitus (ear ringing)

The military has hundreds of millions of dollars for this program. Money is never an issue. They make billions from child sex trafficking, war mongering, drug and organ harvesting, intergalactic slave trade and much more, it has been reported by other survivors of Mkultra, including former high ranking enlisted Navy personnel.

Operation Paperclip, wherein the United States imported over a thousand Nazi scientists-- many of whom were used in the U.S. Navy/Air Force defense programs and to oversee America's new Secret Space Program (and their mind shattering of American children)-- was the beginning of this most recent human holocaust.

Wikipedia: Operation Paperclip was a secret United States intelligence program in which more than 1,600 German scientists, engineers, and technicians were taken from former Nazi Germany to the U.S. for government employment after the end of World War II in Europe, between 1945 and 1959; several were confirmed to be former members of the Nazi Party, including the SS or the SA.

Wikipedia : Between 1945 and 1952, the United States Air Force sponsored the largest number of Paperclip scientists, importing 260 men, of whom 36 returned to Germany, and one, Walter Schreiber, emigrated to Argentina.[31]

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