New Moon Message (Audio) for 01/11/47/120 - 31/12/2024

2 months ago

New Moon 01/11/47/120
Dear Friends,
Today is the New Moon of the Eleventh Month termed Shebat. We are watching the wars escalate in the Middle East and while the Ukraine is making noises about a ceasefire that is not the plan of the Fallen Host, nor their servants in humanity. We know that in the War of the Sixth Trumpet the four elohim of the Fallen Host are released from the pit and go forth to kill a third of mankind (Rev. 9:13-19.). Yet  even then the rest of mankind did not repent of their idolatry and immorality and theft (Rev. 9:20-21). They do not repent and will not repent until the Messiah and the Loyal Host take over and then the Vials of the Wrath of God and the suppression by the Messiah and the Host will go on until the majority of the world is dead. 
This conflict has commenced now in the Middle East and spread on into Europe and into Asia and the Pacific. We will complete the text on Lot Moab Ammon and Esau (No. 212B). There will be massive casualties over the Middle East and Europe and Asia. We will continue on with the completion of the Commentaries on the Bible but we will also now make videos on the Koran so that Islam is able to understand what is ahead of them and what they have to do to survive, along with all of European pseudo-Christians and Jews as well. Hindus, Buddhists, Taoists, Shintoists and Animists will not escape either and the calamities will be spread throughout the world and right to South Africa and the Cape. We saw the most recent update in the last Sabbath Message (28th December).
We have also placed a series of videos on Rumble to cover the recent activities, repentance and the time frame of the Last Days with the Forty Years allowed for repentance. Also the sequence of the Churches in Anatolia (Turkey) and their future, and what is to occur regarding them. Also there are videos on Troy and Alexander Troas and Constantinople/Istanbul. All should, hopefully, be of great interest.
Also, there is a video on Repentance and Baptism covering the Final Forty years and the Great Tribulation. It is important that we follow those videos. When we were baptised our sins were placed as far from us as the East is from the West. We were given the Lord's Supper to renew our baptism each year, but we have to stop sinning. If you keep Hillel and have two Gods or three there is no hope for you, and you will not make the First Resurrection. You have to repent and stop sinning.
Also, we have to repent and take care of our people and stop these apostates in our political systems from aiding and abetting sin. Stop killing each other and being violent to our wives and aborting our children. It is not permissible to kill your babies, except for one reason, and that is to protect the life of the mother. If you empower and vote for those who condone abortion, and do not act to get these satanists and idolaters out of power so they are prevented from doing these sins, then you are a sinner as sure as if you killed the child yourself. A refusal to act in self-justification is condonation and weak, vacillating and gutless. 
All of us have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. We were called to rise above sin and to rid it from our minds, actions and our people. We are under the final phase of judgment now. Cleanse ourselves of sin and prepare for the Witnesses and the Messiah. Don't make a mess of it.
Wade Cox
Coordinator General

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