12 Genesis 1:31-23 (The Sabbath rest)

2 months ago

Genesis 1:31-2:3
I. Review
II. Genesis
Ps 132:5 / Is 40:28 / Col 1:17
III. The Sabbath Day of Rest
IV. How should we then live?
A. Old Testament Law
Ex 27:4-8, 35:1-2 / Jer 31:31-33
Luke 22:20 / Heb 9:15, 8:13
1. We can’t and shouldn’t obey the OT Sabbath.
2. We are under a new covenant.
Heb 8:13 / Col 2:16, 3:13-14
Rom 14:5 / Gal 4:9-11
3. We follow the fulfilled OT law.
Ex 20:8
B. Rest time
1. True rest is faith in Jesus.
Heb 3:19-4:3
2. Avoid legalism.
3. Rest according to your definition.
C. Religious time
Gen 2:3 / Lev 23:3
Acts 20:7 / 1 Cor 16:2
1. We are commanded to gather as a body

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