🚧 My Union Local 527 Liuna 2010 Construction Training Center In Ottawa 🍁

2 months ago

A Brief History of Local 527
Local 527 has had a unique heritage in that it is the product of mergers of two other very fine Labourers’ locals.

Local 1250 was initially established in 1950 to service our members on the Sir Adam Beck Niagara Generating Station #2 at Niagara Falls, on the twin, five and one-half mile, 65 foot diameter intake tunnels, powerhouse and ancillary work. On November 23, 1955 it was also assigned to cover the St. Lawrence Power Project and Seaway.

Local 406, Cornwall was chartered in 1955-1956 to organize and service local contractors in the Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional sector of the Construction Industry. Both locals subsequently were absorbed through merger procedures with local 527, Ottawa.

During our successful organizing drive in 1956, 1957, 1958 with the help and financial support of local 1250 and the International, quite a few companies were organized.

The first agreement signed by Local 527, however, was March 17, 1958. The wages for a construction labourer at that time varied from $0.85 per hour to $1.00 per hour.

The first agreement called for $1.30 per hour effective May 1, 1958, with 4% Vacation pay, a standardized work week, overtime and other conditions and above all recognition and a grievance procedure for resolving problems with Employers. Initiation fees in 1956 were $10.00 and monthly dues were $2.50.

In 2015, Local 527 has gained more territory and members as a result of the merger of Local 247 into Locals 527 & 183. Board Areas 13 and 30 are now entirely part of Local 527.

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