💪 @ The Gym Doing Pullups 🍁 Push Yourself To The Limit Everyday 🍎 Healthy4Life 💦

2 months ago

Performing pullups every day may help increase muscular endurance and form. However, you’re more likely to cause injury. Other pullup routines may also be better for building strength.

Pullups are a popular and effective exercise for strengthening your upper back and biceps. As with any great exercise, you may be tempted to do pullups every day, ostensibly to maximize your gains and improvement.

Performing pullups every day likely results in a massive total number of repetitions over a week or month. However, to build strength, there are many other considerations beyond performing as many repetitions as possible, as often as possible.

While you can still do pullups every day, at least for a period, you need to look at the bigger picture to ensure your training lines up with your goals and gives you the results you want.

This article breaks down everything you need to know about performing pullups every day, including the benefits, risks, and tips to balance your daily pullup routine.

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