God's Love seen through Jesus

2 months ago

God’s love is passed on to us by His son Jesus Christ. It is through Jesus that we have the opportunity to be closely connected to God. God’s love flows from Him to us through Jesus. The same love God has for us is the same love that Jesus has for us as demonstrated by the actions Jesus took going to the cross.

This is why it is best to understand that God has always been with us even when it seems like we are standing alone. The question Paul asks is “When God is for us who can come against us”? The answer is a sounding no one! Who can turn the hand of God away? Again, the answer is no one. This statement of fact should be reassuring to all true believers as we navigate through the world living our lives as closely coupled to God through Christ as we can. There will be trials in life coming at us from many directions and our hope and strength come from knowing and believing God will protect us and that He sent His Son to be our intercessor on our behalf.

Paul makes the point that there is nothing in this world that can separate us from the love of God or the love of Christ. This love is deep rooted and bonds us together for eternity. Unfortunately, the bond can be broken through our choice by rejecting the Triune God. Even in periods where we are broken and rejecting God, His love for us continues to surround us. When we find ourselves in those moments of weakness God is there for us. He has given us the ultimate mediator to advocate on our behalf (1 John 2:1).

God never stops loving us even when we are at the lowest point in our lives. But, because God is righteous, there is a consequence for our act of rejecting Him. That consequence leads to a life separated from God for eternity and is initiated by our inability to change our life, reject the evils in the world and live the life God has intended for each one of us.

The truth is when we follow Christ, the world will come against us. The world does not understand why we put our faith, hope and love into Christ. They don’t realize that through Christ we find eternal life in heaven. With this lack of understanding we are persecuted. We see it in just about every country in the world. Christians across the globe suffer for their belief in God and Jesus Christ. We see Christians martyred for carrying a bible. We see in countries and places where bibles are not allowed and Christians being persecuted in unimaginable ways for their expressing their love of God and Christ.

Unfortunately, Persecution and deception is not new to society. It has been going on since the beginning of time and started in the Garden of Eden with the deception of Satan. As a snake, Satan deceived Adam and Eve by convincing them to take a bite of the fruit from the forbidden tree. This was the first sin committed by humans and unfortunately, we are experiencing the consequences of that original sin today through the persecution of followers of Jesus Christ.

The good news is that God is righteous and just. Through our relationship with Christ we can overcome what is being thrown at us on a daily basis. As we follow Christ, the world does not draw closer to us because the world rejects Christ. When we receive Christ our lives will change for the better. We are no longer bound by the world views trying to live to the standards of the world. God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son (John 3:16) that for those who believe in Him will find everlasting life.

My prayer is that we would never lose sight of the hope that we are given through Jesus Christ. That we would give God the reverence He deserves. It is through God’s love that we have so many opportunities to live for God through Christ and find our eternal resting place in heaven. I pray that the bonds of this world would break and that we would develop and strengthen our relationship with God through Christ. In Jesus Mighty Name Amen! Amen!

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