Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

2 months ago

How many people are aware that the Bill Gates Foundation ran a simulation for a deadly pandemic in 2025?

That’s right.

Catastrophic Contagion is a simulation for an enterovirus outbreak called ‘SEERS’ with a higher fatality rate than COVID and this time disproportionately affecting children.

Here is a highlights reel from the tabletop exercise.

The pannel reflects on lessons from COVID-19, including societal control, propaganda, and church closures, critiquing Church leadership and public institutions.

This simulation was a partnership between The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, World Health Organization (WHO), and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

The enemy falsely believed that Hillary would win in 2016.


The military prevented the steal, so they went to plan B.
Their insurance policy.

Frame Trump for Russian collusion and have him impeached and removed.


Then they launched plan C.
Unleash a virus, cooked up in a lab, to forcibly shut down the world’s economy and steal the 2020 election with nationwide mail in ballots.


It was obvious to anyone with half a brain that the election was stolen.
So they went to plan D.
Prevent exposure of the fraud on Jan 6 and frame Trump for an insurrection, painting him and all his followers as a threat to “our democracy.”

There hope for a civil war didn’t materialize.


Impeach Trump again as an insurrectionist. Lying and manipulating evidence to get a conviction.


And now?

Four years after the stolen election.
The enemy is in complete shambles. Fighting amongst themselves. The media has been completely neutralized and the democrat party and RINOS are in panic and full retreat.

And on a daily basis, we are now getting stories in the media exposing them all.

Liz Cheney is just the latest example. She is going to be “convicted” of what she accused Trump of doing.

Tampering with witnesses.

There is true PANIC IN DC.

We are only weeks away from Trump taking office again and installing his people at the DOJ and FBI.

We are quickly reaching the point that Q kept referring to for years.

“The hunters are about to become the hunted.”

They have already lost the war and they know it.

Q drop
Oct 14, 2020 1:11:22 PM EDT

Your ability to spread information across the digital battlefield and bypass their control is what they fear [narrative failure] and why they are doing everything in their power to disrupt [false labeling [daily attacks], censorship, termination, gov hearings > foundation to term/censor, etc].
Keep charging, Midnight Riders!…
Information Warfare.

Congratulations patriots!
You control the narrative battlefield now.

Enjoy the show!🍿🍿

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