Clot-Shot Rejection by Sheeple Will Require Slaughter-bots For Continued Genocide

1 month ago

If you didn't know, Operation Covid-19 was not a virus.
"Covid-19" is translated using bible concordances to mean "Abaddon's Sheep Slaughter."

It is important to critically know what a Luciferian is
They are all the secret societies with a Mystery School foundation and all sworn to serve and protect their ancient masters(Homo capensis genetically altered monsters.)

Terminator bots connected to the Starlink-hivemind will be needed by the Luciferian to support their genocide of the sheep.

You should already be woken-up by the scamdemic and all the Luciferians in positions of authority still pushing their clot-shots for all sheep and placebo's for fellow brotherhoodwinkers.


Frightened sheeple will be tricked to support the development of killer-bots to fight the enemies... not realizing that the Masonic/Luciferian/communists are working with the CCP
All brainchip-hivemind mystery School initiate will be able to command a terminator bot what to do just by thinking it to happen rather than giving any visible commands to the slaughter-bots.

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